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Rejoice in the coming of the Hoot!


The Holiday Hootenanny is our annual celebration of the winter holidays and the spirit of love and joy those holidays bring. There are a variety of activities throughout the day, from crafting and a gift exchange, to more elaborate ones like Schnapped and the Solstice Celebration.


The Fourteenth Annual Holiday Hootenanny will be held December 16, 2023. Let us know you're coming by registering here.


What to Expect

In addition to the variety of activities scheduled throughout the day, there are a bunch of wonderful people to meet and spend time with. There’s nothing you need to bring but yourself, but if you'd like to participate in Schnapped or the Gift Exchange, read on for details:



Schnapped is a delightful bartending challenge to create a holiday-themed drink that typically occurs in real-time at the Hoot. This year, we are switching things up. If you're interested in creating a drink, we ask you to make a batch at home and bring it with you. Throughout the party, we'll have the chance to vote for our favorites. Here are some parameters for drink makers:

  • Alcoholic drinks will compete in the Old Saint Blitzed category; non-alcoholic drinks will compete in the Little Saint Nick category.

  • Prepare no more than 2 liters.

  • Be prepared to disclose all ingredients!



Gift Exchange: Thrifty Gifties
One of the core parts of the Hootenanny experience is the Gift Exchange. Typically, these are silly gifts bought from a variety of sources. But as we continue descending into a climate catastrophe amplified by conspicuous consumption and capitalist contusions, the RBP Planning Committee is proposing a new set of guidelines for gift giving: don't go out and buy something new. Instead, consider something purchased secondhand from a thrift store, an item lying around your home looking for a new place to sit, a foodstuff, or something homemade. These don't have to be meaningful like gifts shared at Friends' End Day. Just something that doesn't need to end up in a landfill.

Whatever you bring, place it under the tree when you arrive. We'll all have a chance to take something home with us.

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